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About Us | Asa Lambda Technology Ltd.

About Us

Today, the world is experiencing the untold turbulence in energy demand and supply since the awareness of the devastating effects of climate change in which “energy production has been identified as he monster to side shocked if the world desires to go green under the banner of 100% renewable energy revolution and evolution. Hence, Energy demand and supply must be considered simultaneously across multiple sectors in different ideas and ideal.
  Power generation using the energy from the sun, wind, geothermal, and fast running water is the centre focus of our activities.
The above enumerated energy resources are fundamental to sustain economic development, the threat of disruptive climate change, the unsecured energy situation and the growing demand for energy, all seem posing major challenges to our energy system sustainable.
To mitigate the ugly situation, the use of the new technologies will require along with scientific and engineering input to spur the adoption of such technologies as being deployed in renewable energy arena. But in the spirit of energy independent, the major players are to be first and for most the local engineers and scientists. It is a known fact that technologies can be purchased, acquired or imported. But, for the sake of sustainability, it is recommended to develop the local content and Asa Lambda Technology Ltd remains the link.

Our Mission

Our aim is to provide to all our teaming clients with the latest technologies information and technical data, whilst providing the necessary tools for adapting the new technologies to a local and enviable content.

Our vision

Our vision translates across the values chain of renewable form of energy, including “solar power systems, small and micro hydro power.

Promoting local targeted innovation and sustainability, organizing events and networking opportunities, promoting hydro power, solar power and associated renewable energy technologies and mostly increasing the awareness of their quality and scope in Africa and particularly in the sub Saharan Africa.


ASA LAMBDA TECHNOLOGY LTD plays the role of a link with other major partners at home and abroad and connected to harmonize and achieve any intended goal.
ASA LAMBDA TECHNOLOGY LTD was registered in 1993, it is a Nigerian owned company, having its headquarters located in Benin City, Edo State and its Regional Office situates in Warri, Delta State, Nigeria.
ASA LAMBDA TECHNOLOGY LTD is a recognized leader in Electro-Mechanical and Civil Engineering Services. Our professional staff which cuts across various Nigeria ethnic groups blends a wealth of Engineering design, laboratory testing, constructions oversight, project cost evaluation and operation experiences.
Our decade of Engineering services revealed to us the magnitude of human needs in a world beset by manmade poverty, frightening new diseases and brutal conflicts. We have witnessed the collapse of great engineering structures, industries, power generation systems and much more. We come to conclude that lack of proper planning and available expertise remain the major cause of the above mentioned situations, and we have also recognized that basic need like water and electricity remain out of too many citizens.
In response to the above, ASA LAMBDA TECHNOLOGY LTD took a giant step towards activities which have direct impact with the rural dwellers.
ASA LAMBDA TECHNOLOGY LTD has successfully executed projects in the field of Electrical Engineering (Transmission and Distribution), water supply and Mechanical Engineering, Renewable Sources of Energy and Allied Services.
Our company is endowed with potential as far as human resources is concerned.

Dr. ADOKO SAMBWAExecutive Director

Expert in Energy transformation with more than 15 years of experience performing this role for private energy developers. Strong understating and acceptable Energy standards that held lower resource use and costs. Excellent knowledge of several/difference stages of Energy transformation. Able to deliver creative and unique solutions that help companies work more efficiently with their current physical location.


–    Excellent comprehension of Energy conversion process, generation procedures and different tools use in the generation of Energy.

–    Strong Engineering background, giving him the ability to apply the concepts of this application to real-life situations in Energy efficiency – Exceptional leadership ability, allowing him to supervise and motivate a team of colleagues on a project. Experience with power generation, wind solar, and small/mini hydro power. Solid skills with operating industry-specific tools and equipment when conducting of Energy audits, such as air current testers, carbon monoxide detector, water flow meters, wind energy meters and more.

–    In-depth knowledge and implementation of power systems and control in conventional Energy sector.

–    In-depth knowledge and implementation of Renewable Energy (Solar, wind and small hydro power) analysis and identification of alternate technologies for the use of Renewable Technologies.

–    Experience in designing, implementing and monitoring Solar Power Systems (Home Solar, Architectural Lighting Systems, and Outdoor Lighting Systems) and Solar Powered Irrigation Systems.

–    Good knowledge of available Renewable Energy sources in the Sub-Saharan Africa in general and in Nigeria as a case study.

–    Technical updates for project including Micro/Small Hydropower Systems, Home Solar Systems and Hybrid Systems.

–    Courses, conferences and lectures in Renewable Energy applications and project management.


1982    Higher Institute of Applied Technology National University of Zaire, DR Congo.

1989    M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering (Power Electronics and Machines) University of Lagos, Nigeria.

1994    PhD. Electrical Engineering (Renewable Energy Applications) Power System of Control, University of Benin, Nigeria.

2004    Wind Energy Application, Energy Conversion, Gotland University, Sweden.

Membership of Professional Bodies

•    The Nigerian Society of Engineers

•    Council of Regulation of Engineers in Nigeria (COREN)

•    Hydro Vision (World Council)

•    African Wind Energy Council

•    International Solar Energy Society (ISES)

•    International Consultant Network (ICN)

•    Bio Energy Research – University of Benin

Get In Touch

+234 8056383237


9 Apkapkava road. Benin city, Edo state. Nigeria, P.O.Box 14664




Mon:8am – 5pm Tue: 8am – 5pm Wed: 8am – 5pm Thur: 8am – 5pm Fri: 9am – 5pm Sat: 10am – 3pm

Sun: Closed

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